Sunday, May 3, 2015


Each day we hear silent groans,
Lived ruthless dreams, and were lost
In every ray of the rising sun,
What it is we may not know.

Every day is a sad day, just negative, 
Winds are dreadfully whistling,
The sun is heartlessly gleaming.
They reveal secrets and lies.

What a place to live these days.
With innocence gone and love lost.
Sin is taught on the street night and day
And hearts are covered in frost and stones.

We call for wars and go for wars.
No life matters in our backyard
No one is taking blame to save a life, 
Just pushing for fame in the game

Advanced as we are to the world,
We're still untamed and insane
Too much pride, too much ego
Too many mistakes, too many turpitudes.

We hurt others, in the desert-fields
Betray brothers, who trusted our values
And lies harshly feed what we preach
And our hearts know no honey.

Children abandoned, and maimed everyday
Lonely and stranded they walk on the streets
They need a guide, but who cares to look
And we deny it, and reject it with holiness.

Throughout the years, in all alleys
Innocent bloods are shed and more spilled.
We take from the poor, to enrich the rich
And behind lies we hide without shames.

We're loving no more, but who cares.
We're all wasting the life like flies.
We no longer enjoy the sights of neighbors.
Where do we go for peace when the world is dead?

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