Sunday, July 26, 2015

To Whom It May Concern

To whom it may concern:
The words stood long by his side
Like a watchdog at the entrance of memory
This is how he will be remembered.
When they say the last farewell.

He stood looking as if he was solidified
He remembered his dreams for his children
On the verge of difficulties where he saw death
Where he lived without life and faced terror
And danced through profound darkness.

Yet, before the sun set coldly that noon
One walked to his window and looked at him
You are not my father, my father is God in the sky
How odd, he thought, to be blessed with a cuff
But of course, he was blessed to know it now.

To whom it may concern:
The words stood long by his side
And he remembered the journey, the tight pants
The sea-lions barking, and he smiled at her
Who saw a doctor of misery in the father.

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