Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Don't Let Anything Change You

Today, I want to encourage you with these words: Don't let any thing that comes your way Change You or Don't Let Anyone's Vindictive Words and Vicious Actions Change You. Think About This...........Believe it or not, it's been shown that while mankind is essentially good, there is a contingent of about 20% (one-fifth) of the population who are here to wreak havoc on the other innocent 80% (four-fifths) of mankind. (Don't worry, if you're even reading this kind of inspiring thought, you're probably in the 80% or you may be in the 20% unknowingly). No matter what, don't let the vicious ways and vindictive words of the 20% blind you to the beauty, hope, kindness and caring that exist in others around you. Don't equally adopt their destructive ways of being in retaliation. Maintain the beauty of your spirit, the kindness in your heart and the friendliness in your demeanor. There is no reality save for that which we accept and buy into. My Grandma used to say, there are two ways of spreading light, to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. Be a light unto the path of others and not like the man who because his pride is slighted vows to destroy other peoples' life. Live your life purely so that it is through your eyes, your words and ways that the world can see its kinder gentler self. Reciprocity is not a requirement for conviction, any more than a mirror makes you who you are. Maintain the reality of who you wish to be and soon your world will reflect and become you. Therein lies prosperity.

Don't Let Anything Change You

One-fifth of man will find ways to suppress the other four
that seems to be their purpose, nothing less, and nothing more
Your mission, on the other hand, is clear beyond all doubt
Despite what men may do, don't let them change what you're

 For happy men must smile, and gifted men must give
your purpose is to be the change you want the world to live
And activists and advocates must act and raise their voice
for only by example will you give the world a choice

At times you'll think it futile and you'll want to pack it in
When good men choose do nothing is all bad men need to win
For slow it seems a brick a day is how new worlds are made
But with each act of kindness is a new foundation laid

And those of us who comment on the flaws of one man's way
must watch our words for so shall we create our world's delay
The minute that you start to say "that's just the way it is,"
you've lost hope in your world, you've joined him there in his

The minute that they break you, friend, their side goes up by one
And you become the very thing you say you want undone
As Gandhi said, "an eye for eye leaves everyone quite blind."
Don't let them douse your spirit, fire, beauty, gifts or mind!




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