Saturday, October 4, 2014

Tears and Cries

these tears
pour down like rain
covering my cheeks like a blanket
as they run down my face

no one knows
the pain hidden deep within them

no one knows the scars
buried deep in my soul
or why these tears burn and sting
as they pour out

walking through the rain
I try to forget the pain
I try to ignore the sting in my eyes

like many of my age
we lost our fathers before our puberty rituals
but losing a familiar face in an unknown place
leaves you not knowing nothing about you and your past

I heard many die after the rituals
but I also heard you aren’t a man without the rites

now, I know why I run from my fears
and I know why I’m followed by my tears

I want to leave this unfamiliar place
but where will I go without a father

or without a mother who left the dawn after my birth

trying to release the fears I locked away for days
only runs me into a sea of storms

never knowing when there will be a closure
all I could do is to cry myself to sleep
although I want to know more about me and my past

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