Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Year Is Now Dead, What Next?

We have come to where the sidewalk ends
And tonight, when the dreary bell rings at Midnight
Each of us will ponder over each second of our days
When we were weak and weary yet life went on

Some with thanksgiving will remember God’s grace
Like many mothers mourning for their children in the storms
Others like wives bereft of husbands and fathers singing dirges
For the loss of their flesh, with their spirit misplaced in tears

While blissfully some drums would thrill with champagne
In august and royal homes where lights glow, yet we can’t forget
Songs of sorrow the music of desolation of many wearing masks
Just to drown their songs of lamentations carried for miles

Do you remember how you once baked bread with your sweat
Then dare not to forget and never forget the ABCD of our lives
Armory, Bullet, Calamity, Devastation in “I can’t breathe”
They walk through lives of children of our Motherland

You may have experienced freedom from want
But I understand freedom has more colors than one
In fact more than I can explain today or tomorrow
In the Mouth of Wealth there are wounded souls

Can we have God with songs in the future
Straighten limbs of men and women to glow
Enter into tomorrow where life's visions never vanish
And dreams live on and we no more bath in tears

Will you celebrate the me and mine and sing of the self again
Let’s leave behind that place where the smoke blows dim
To go to where our desires are and our hopes profound
Now that the Old Year is dead and a New Year is born

Let’s go to where the moon shall be bright when we are dust
To where the stars are starry in the time of our darkness
Let’s pause now at the place where the sidewalk ends with all
And on the new street we dance with our innermost hearts out

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