Saturday, November 2, 2013


around me people are laughing and joking
but on my face there is no smile but a frown

and I asked myself why?

I never laugh anymore instead I cry,
but I never stopped to ask myself, "why"

I heard we live and die by the choices we make,
and there's only so little a person can take.

and I wondered why?

I live in a world where there's so much life around me
but I'm the only one without a smile and without love

sometimes I picture myself in a place I could be
and wish I’d go and sit on a garden to hear the birds sing

but life isn’t a crystal stair and wishes aren’t given
often I wonder why so much anger is wrapped around my heart,
squeezing my blood to faint and stop flowing delicately
just then tears drizzled down my cheeks
and I bite my soft lips and screamed

why me, why me, oh Lord!

my tears filled the pond in my palm
there was nothing to shelter me
I’ve seen the tall grasses concealing the creatures of land
but no one to feel the presence of my absence

and I asked myself if tomorrow will ever come
will it be pleasure or danger in my yard
and I looked into the sky and I saw the sun on the horizon
it was bright, rising slowly as if to say, it's a bright new day

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